Prospects for the public health approach to the prevention and care of sexually transmitted infections in the countries of eastern Europe and central Asia




2002 The meeting addressed current trends in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and possible reasons for their decline, the role of high-risk behaviour, and progress in, obstacles to and perspectives on care for and the prevention of STI in the newly independent states (NIS) of the former USSR. The participants discussed recent and continuing changes in case management, problems with the implementation of syndromic treatment, surveillance and the integration of services. In particular, services for STIs and for HIV/AIDS should work closely together; almost everywhere in the NIS, these services are separated and neither seems willing to cooperate. The participants discussed successful examples of such cooperation and ways to share positive experience. The need to promote the use of condoms for the prevention of both STI/HIV/AIDS and unplanned pregnancies was emphasized. After analysing countries’ achievements in controlling the STI epidemic and identifying remaining problems, the participants made recommendations on future action and its implementation.