Workshop for 18 high-priority countries of the WHO European Region on recording and reporting of drug resistant tuberculosis

Workshop for 18 high-priority countries of the WHO European Region on recording and reporting of drug resistant tuberculosis - Istanbul, Turkey, 14-16 December 2009

Within the framework of the Plan to Stop TB in 18 High-priority Countries in the WHO European Region 2007-2015, the Berlin Declaration on Tuberculosis and the Global Drug resistance surveillance project, the workshop in Istanbul will train key health workers involved in the monitoring and evaluation of drug-resistant TB in high-MDR burden European countries.

This 3-day training is focused on the methodology of recording and reporting of Category IV patients, and on the use of data for analysis to strengthen program management. This is of particular importance given that:

  • drug-resistant TB registration has additional data requirements to the basic DOTS information system;
  • accurate record keeping is crucial both for patient care and for surveillance;
  • standardized monitoring of treatment outcomes both at national and regional level will help understand the impact of DR-TB control interventions and identify problems.

The general objective of the workshop is to improve information on TB control in Member States through strengthened national capacity in surveillance, registration, monitoring and evaluation of drug resistant TB (DR-TB) cases.


The new STOP TB strategy identifies management of drug resistant tuberculosis as an important element of effective tuberculosis control in the world. In May 2009, through Resolution WHA62.15, the World Health Assembly urged Member States to strengthen "health information and surveillance systems to ensure detection and monitoring … of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis and monitor achievement in its prevention and control". Improved information allows managers to monitor programme performance and trend in cases notified, plan drug supply and developments of programme and policy. It also helps clinical providers in management of individual patients.