Intercountry high-level meeting on health systems strengthening for enhanced tuberculosis prevention and care (2016)



Despite notable progress being made in the past decade, tuberculosis (TB) is still a public health concern in most Member States of the WHO European Region. Many countries in the Region currently are in transition to more integrated outpatient- and patient-centred services with a strong focus on primary health care.

Within this context, the overall goal of the three-year multipartner TB Regional Eastern European and Central Asian project (TB-REP) is to contribute to decreasing the burden of TB and halting the spread of drug resistance in 11 project countries through increasing political commitment and translating evidence into implementation of patient-centred TB models of care adapted to country contexts.

This intercountry high-level meeting was organized by the WHO Regional Office for Europe in collaboration with project partners and aimed to increase high-level political commitment to halt TB, familiarize participants with the structure and content of TB-REP, transfer knowledge and skills on how roadmaps for TB-REP can be developed at country level, discuss and finalize baseline TB-REP country profiles, and provide good practice examples.