Country work

The country profiles on nutrition, physical activity and obesity provide an overview of country data on a selected list of monitoring and surveillance indicators:

  • overweight and obesity for adults, adolescents and children
  • exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life
  • saturated fat intake
  • fruit and vegetable supply
  • salt intake
  • iodine status
  • physical inactivity.

The profiles also give an overview of whether policies and actions are in place for reduction of salt and trans fatty acids and reduction in marketing of food and non alcoholic beverages to children, and if there are price policies regarding food taxation and subsidies.

Each profile also contains information about how physical inactivity is tackled at policy level:

  • Are there national documents and action plans, recommendations, goals and surveillance for physical activity?
  • Who takes leadership?
  • Are there professional networks on health-enhancing physical activity?