7th annual meeting and 3rd conference of HEPA Europe

The 7th annual meeting took place 12-13 October 2012 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in conjunction with the annual meeting of Agita Mundo, the Global Physical Activity Promotion Network and was kindly hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Sport and Physical Activity (NISB). This meeting was supported by the European Union in the framework of the Health Programme 2008-2013 (Grant Agreement 2009 52 02).

It was attended by 75 participants from 24 European Member States and a delegate from South Africa as well as representatives from the WHO Regional Office for Europe and from the European Commission (EC). 

The third HEPA Europe conference focused on linking science and practice in the field of health-enhancing physical activity and how to best join forces with other disciplines. The programme was attended by 218 participants. It featured 5 key note speakers, 6 parallel sessions with 26 oral abstracts and interaction, almost 100 posters as well as workshops and study visits of HEPA interventions in different parts of the city of Amsterdam.