14th annual meeting of HEPA Europe, in partnership with the 7th ISPAH Congress

This year, for the first time HEPA Europe will partner with the 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress (ISPAH), to take place in London in October. The congress is co-hosted by Public Health England and Sport England.

Congress themes are:

  • addressing inequalities within and through physical activity
  • evidence into policy and practice to achieve population change
  • physical activity and the wider determinants of health.

The 14th Annual Meeting of HEPA Europe will be taking place back-to-back with ISPAH congress on 17 October from 15:30 – 17:00. The annual meeting will include an update of the HEPA Europe working group’s activities and work plans for the coming year, of new membership applications and adoption of the 2018/2019 work programme.

Registration now open!

Key dates:

  • 31 January 2018: Symposium and satellite meeting application closes
  • 16 February 2018: Abstract submission closes
  • 6 April 2018: Deadline for presenters to book.
  • Authors will be notified of the decision of the selection committee by email in early March 2018
  • 13 May 2018: Final date for early bird bookings – extended
  • 15 September 2018: Booking closes, subject to availability