Call for abstracts: third European conference on injury prevention and safety promotion, Budapest, Hungary, 16-17 June 2011

Tackling the challenges of implementing good practice in safety promotion

Within the theme of how best to transfer and apply of good practice in injury prevention in new settings and environments, the conference will highlight successful safety promotion initiatives and actions.

This major international event brings stakeholders in the prevention of accidents and injuries from Europe and other continents to exchange, debate and discuss the latest results in injury research, policies and practices. The programme is available on the Conference web site.

Submissions of poster abstracts are welcome until 15 February 2011

Make a case presentation about how you adapted good practices to help to make your community a safer place.

WHO/Europe and the European Commission co-sponsor this conference, organized by the European Association for Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (EuroSafe) and kindly hosted by the Hungarian Government, currently President of the European Council.