International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse calls for greater political commitment to prevent elder abuse

In the WHO European Region about 2500 people over 60 lose their lives each year from physical abuse and about 4 million suffer from it.

The 7th annual conference of the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) was held in Prague on 28 May 2012. The meeting was opened by the Hon. Alice Wong, the Canadian Minister of State for Seniors and delegates were welcomed by Gloria Gutman, president of INPEA. There were about 100 participants at the Conference consisting of policy makers, practitioners, from the Health, Justice and Social sectors, NGOs and academe. WHO made a key note presentation on the scale of the problem in the European Region and on the importance of the life course approach to overcome common risks and by mainstreaming elder maltreatment prevention into the core business of the health and other sectors. The prevention of elder maltreatment is promoted in networks such as Healthy Cities and Safe Communities. Delegates agreed to promote multipronged action on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on 15 June and resolved to promote greater community and policy action.