Fifth annual European meeting of violence and injury prevention national focal personsof the Ministries of Health



On 16-17 December 2009 the WHO Regional Office for Europe convened the 5th network meeting of the Ministry of Health Focal Persons for Violence and Injury Prevention in Bonn. The meeting was hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Health and supported by the European Commission (EC) with a co-funded project with the Directorate-General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) in the framework of the Public Health Programme (2003–2008). The meeting was attended by 93 participants consisting of 55 focal persons from 44 countries, representatives from WHO Headquarters, the Regional Office for Europe, and Non Governmental Organisations. Progress in the field of violence and injury prevention was reviewed and ongoing activities were discussed. This included the preliminary results of the DG SANCO report on the implementation of Resolution RC55/R9 on the Prevention of injuries, the progress achieved in implementation of the Regional Committee resolution and the Council Recommendation, lesson learned related to the launched of the world and European reports on child injury prevention and the presentation of the European status report on road safety.