South-eastern Europe subregional workshop: “Improving capacity for injury prevention through improved injury surveillance”. Meeting report (2016)



Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (12–13 November 2015)

National focal persons on violence and injury prevention in South-east Europe (SEE) met on 12-13 November 2015 in Chisinau, hosted by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova, to take stock of achievement in improving injury surveillance over the past four years.

This was the 4th sub-regional meeting of the SEE countries on "Improving capacity for injury prevention through improved injury surveillance" organized by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and supported by the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

National focal points from seven SEE countries reported how national surveillance of injuries and violence was strengthened in their countries. While quality and completeness of mortality and in-patient data has improved, the registration of non-fatal injuries particularly for out-patients remains challenging to countries.