"Green jobs" creation through investment in environment- and health-friendly transport

Reframing the role that transport plays with respect to society, environment and health is an opportunity to be pursued by focusing on the positive influence of "green" transport in achieving better health, a cleaner environment, greater social cohesion, better quality of life and economic growth.

The transport sector is indeed well placed to champion the new global agenda of a green economy by exploring new options for job creation and economic development, and by maximizing at the same time potential gains for environment and health through innovative transport policies.

The Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP) launched a partnership to develop a set of actions and joint projects in this area.

The objective is to consolidate and disseminate evidence from existing experiences, and facilitate their consideration and uptake by national, subnational and local authorities. Partners include country representatives, experts and policy-makers from the transport, environment and health sectors.