THE PEP Clearing House

Clearing house on transport, environment and health

The web-based clearing-house provides:

  • a cost-effective tool for easy access to information for all three sectors, covering scientific, methodological and policy aspects;
  • an interactive tool for the exchange of information and good practice among its users.

Developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and WHO/Europe within the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP), with input from national experts, the clearing-house facilitates the exchange of information and knowledge across the transport, environment and health sectors in the WHO European Region. Special attention is paid to the needs of countries of eastern Europe, the Caucasus, central Asia and south-eastern Europe.

The clearing-house collects, disseminates and exchanges information on sustainable transport policies, legislation, research and good practices. It covers more than 100 topics relevant to the transport, environment and health sectors, and is available in English, French and Russian.

Primarily targeting policy- and decision-makers, it particularly addresses the needs of national and local authorities and transport planners in the design, communication and implementation of sustainable transport policies. Representatives of diverse institutions can register with the clearing-house and upload relevant information. Additional services, such as interactive forums and information on training programmes, could be added.

This project contributes to the integration of environmental and health aspects into transport policies, one of key priority areas of THE PEP, through the dissemination of information, good practices and capacity building.