WHO air quality guidelines for Europe, 2nd edition, 2000 (CD ROM version)

Table of Contents

Part I. General

  1. Introduction  (35kb PDF)

  2. Criteria used in establishing guideline values (70kb PDF)

  3. Summary of the guidelines (39kb PDF)

  4. Use of the guidelines in protecting public health (52kb PDF)

Part II.  Evaluation of human health risks

 5. Organic pollutants

  5.1   Acrylonitrile  (178kb PDF) *

  5.2   Benzene (83kb PDF)

  5.3   Butadiene (72kb PDF)

  5.4   Carbon disulfide  (194kb PDF) *

  5.5   Carbon monoxide (204kb PDF)

  5.6   1,2-Dichloroethane (176kb PDF)  *

  5.7   Dichloromethane (184kb PDF)

  5.8   Formaldehyde (284kb PDF)

  5.9   Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (104kb PDF)

  5.10 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (262kb PDF)

  5.11 Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) (331kb PDF)

  5.12 Styrene (314kb PDF)

  5.13 Tetrachloroethylene (222kb PDF)

  5.14 Toluene (91kb PDF)

  5.15  Trichloroethylene (219kb PDF)

  5.16 Vinyl chloride  (181kb PDF) 

 6. Inorganic pollutants

  6.1   Arsenic (64kb PDF)

  6.2   Asbestos (194kb PDF) *

  6.3   Cadmium (200kb PDF)

  6.4   Chromium (67kb PDF)

  6.5   Fluoride (48kb PDF)

  6.6   Hydrogen sulfide (148kb PDF) *

  6.7   Lead (225kb PDF)

  6.8   Manganese(183kb PDF)

  6.9   Mercury (219kb PDF)

  6.10 Nickel (64kb PDF)

  6.11 Platinum (193kb PDF)

  6.12 Vanadium (170kb PDF) *

(*) 1987 evaluation retained, not re-evaluated

 7.  Classical pollutants

  7.1   Nitrogen dioxide (136kb PDF)

  7.2   Ozone and other photochemical oxidants (289kb PDF)

  7.3  Particulate matter (353kb PDF)

  7.4  Sulfur dioxide (168kb PDF)

 8. Indoor air pollutants

  8.1  Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) (99kb PDF)

  8.2  Man-made vitreous fibres (MMVF) (229kb PDF)

  8.3  Radon (224kb PDF)  

Part III.  Evaluation of ecotoxic effects

  9. General approach (28kb PDF)

 10. Effects of sulphur dioxide on vegetation - critical levels  (243kb PDF)

 11. Effects of nitrogen-containing air pollutants - critical levels  (391kb PDF)

 12. Effects of ozone on vegetation - critical levels (314kb PDF)

 13. Indirect effects of acidifying compounds on natural systems - critical loads (196kb PDF)

 14. Effects of airborne nitrogen pollutants on vegetation - critical loads  (332kb PDF)