Environmental health and economics: strategic framework and implementation plan 2013‒2017



Report of the First Advisory Group Meeting on Environmental Health and Economics, 23‒24 May 2013, Bonn, Germany

The WHO European Centre for Environment and Health in Bonn convened a meeting of key European experts in the field of environmental health economics on the use of economic tools and methods in environmental health on 23 and 24 May 2013. The meeting established an advisory group on environmental health and economics, including the definition of its membership, its terms of reference and overall vision. The advisory group: (i) took note of the finalized strategic framework on environmental health and economics; (ii) discussed the proposed implementation plan for the framework for 2013–2017; (iii) agreed the topics for the second symposium on environmental health and economics to be held in October 2013; and (iv) made recommendations on the implementation of the strategic framework and how to encourage a broader approach to economic evidence use. Updates from the environmental health economics network included showcasing a climate change toolkit and a discussion on the explosion of new economic indicators with reference to the debates about “Beyond gross domestic product” and the value of statistical life.

The German Ministry of Environment, Natural Conservation and Nuclear Safety generously provided funds for the Meeting and the report.