Strengthening health in environmental assessments in Slovenia. Gap analysis and way forward



In the frame of a project on capacity building in environment and health (CBEH), co‐funded by the European Commission, a workshop was held in Slovenia in order to analyse the specific capacity needs in the country in relation to the implementation of health impact assessment (HIA) and further integration of health in environmental assessments.

During a workshop in Ljubljana in June 2012, ways to enhance capacity in health in environmental assessments (EA) across Slovenia were examined. The aim was for experts in health and environment to review their experience in impact assessments. Discussion focused on the following types of impact assessment: Health Impact Assessment (HIA); Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).

One of the key findings was that, even though capacity building activities in HIA and different HIA pilot projects have already taken place in Slovenia, there still seem to be unmet needs in various government departments. Furthermore there is a need to define clear roles and responsibilities between environment and health in regard to HIA and further integration of health into environmental assessments.