Environment and health impact assessment – developing an online knowledge sharing platform and network (2017)



Report of an expert consultation,  25-26 April 2017, Bonn, Germany

Aim of the expert consultation was to discuss the need of and options for the development of an online knowledge exchange platform on environment and health in impact assessments. Importantly, the target group of such an online platform would be the health impact assessment (HIA) as well as the environmental assessment communities of environmental impact assessments (EIA) and strategic environmental assessments (SEA). The experts agreed that the platform should not only support joint work of these experts but also support awareness raising and capacity building on HIA and EIA/SEA in general among decision-makers, assessment reviewers as well as the public. Importantly the web based resources provided need to be relevant to the target groups to support knowledge exchange and communication in the impact assessment community and to further bridge the language divide between the different professional groups involved in impact assessment.