The South East European (SEE) Network on Workers’ Health

The SEE Network is an international network of WHO collaborating centres for occupational health, occupational health institutes and WHO national focal points in South East Europe that collaborate with WHO/Europe on occupational health issues.

This Network serves as a forum for exchanging and disseminating of information and knowledge; a platform for developing and sharing good models and good practice guidelines; a basis for developing programmes for training and education of professionals; and a framework for bilateral and multilateral projects enabling best possible use of resources available.

Participating countries include: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.

Aims and guiding principles

The goal of the SEE Network is to improve workers’ health and well-being, this way contributing to better health for Europe. The Network aims at strengthening occupational health systems and building human/institutional capacities in the SEE region through international cooperation.

The guiding principles of the Network are those of the Global Strategy on Occupational Health for All and Global Plan of Action on Workers’ Health, which were endorsed by all SEE countries at the World Health Assembly in 1996 and 2007, respectively. The SEE Network pays special attention to the underserved and vulnerable groups for whom basic occupational health services are urgently needed.