Implementation of the Global Plan of Action of Workers’ Health in the European Region



Report of the Sixth Meeting of the European Network of WHO collaborating centres for occupational health, held in Madrid, Spain, 14-16 October 2008

The meeting agreed on the contents of a European Work Plan for Implementation of the Global Plan of Action (GPA) on Workers’ Health for the period of 2009-2012 as guidance for future works of the WHO collaborating centres in occupational health. The collaborating centres agreed to present the adjusted workplans to the Global Network Meeting in 2009. The meeting also adopted six general conclusions and recommendations on how to implement GPA effectively and efficiently in the European Region.

Network members also reviewed progress made since the previous meeting in Buxton, and adjusted the work plans in line with the regional implementation of the Global Plan of Action. Activities within the WHO Biennial Collaborative Agreements, sub-regional initiatives (e.g., Baltic Sea Network, South Eastern Europe Network, CIS countries) and selected topics (e.g., maritime health, nanotechnology, workplace health promotion) were discussed.