National profiles and priorities in occupational health systems development in the European Region



Report of the Second Meeting of the Network of WHO Focal Points on Workers’ Health, Struga, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 28–29 September 2009


The meeting reviewed national profiles of Finland, France, Germany, and United Kingdom. Recommendations for the development of occupational health systems were proposed based on the lessons learnt in these countries. The meeting also reviewed the assessment report of occupational health situation in South eastern European (SEE) countries, and made suggestions for further revision. After reviewing possible topic areas to strengthen occupational health systems in 2010-2012, participants recommended five priorities: quality assurance of occupational health services; impact of global financial crisis on protection of underserved/vulnerable groups (migrants; unemployed; informal sector; young, ageing and female workers); capacity building for modernization and harmonization of curricula for occupational physicians and nurses and information system; sub-regional system for training and education such as the Balkan training programme based on the model of the Nordic experiences; and networking.