Report of the fifth meeting of the European Environment and Health Ministerial Board (EHMB)






At its fifth meeting (Vilnius, Lithuania, on 1 July 2014), the European Environment and Health Ministerial Board (EHMB) reviewed the strategic direction of the European Environment and Health Process (EHP) and key strategic partnerships. The EHMB discussed the draft progress report to be submitted to the WHO Regional Committee for Europe and the Committee on Environmental Policy (CEP) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in the autumn of 2014 and adopted a programme of work for the period until its sixth session in February 2015. The EHMB further discussed the preparations for the high-level mid-term review meeting, to be hosted by Israel in November 2014, and initial preparations for the Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health in 2016. It designated air quality, climate change and chemical safety as its priorities in the period until the Ministerial Conference.