First session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health

WHO/Cristiana Salvi

First meeting of the Parties to the Water Protocol, 2007

Geneva, Switzerland, 17–19 January 2007

The meeting was attended by more than 140 participants representing 21 Parties (ratifying countries), 7 Signatories, 9 countries from within and outside the WHO European Region, as well as members of civil society.

Parties adopted the work programme for 2007-2009 and agreed on legal documents, particularly the Rules of Procedure and the compliance regime.

In a formal joint declaration, Parties and Signatories reaffirmed their commitment to the Protocol’s goal of providing access to safe water and adequate sanitation to all, thus making the Protocol a key instrument for ensuring access to safe water (a recognized basic human right) and for reaching the water-related Millennium Development Goals (particularly Goal 7 Target 10).

The declaration:

  • recognized the need to extend the current information system on water supply and sanitation as a tool for national target setting, progress monitoring and reporting;
  • established an ad hoc project facilitation mechanism to help in accessing financial support by countries from South eastern Europe, eastern Europe, Caucasus and central Asia;
  • requested the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and WHO/Europe as co-Secretariat to the Protocol to provide adequate resources for the Joint Secretariat and for the implementation of the adopted work programme;
  • invited donors, financial institutions, and funding mechanisms to give high priority to country mechanisms.

Further main decisions

  • Activities and priorities of work would be mainstreaming into WHO policy-making. This decision highlights the conformity of the work under the Protocol with the country strategy adopted by WHO/Europe. Parties invited the decision-making bodies of WHO/Europe to note and support their decisions to avoid overlap and ensure synergy in servicing country needs.
  • Focal points will have a particular responsibility in ensuring that country priorities in relation to water and health are brought to the attention of the Meeting of the Parties for appropriate action.
  • Two trust funds were created under the Protocol, for activities in the health and environment fields.