Knowledge Hub

The Knowledge Hub on Health and Migration is a joint effort between the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the Ministry of Health of Italy, the Regional Health Council of Sicily and the European Commission. The partnership is committed to building expertise and competency on the public health aspects of migration and making knowledge and information in this area widely available.

International migration has rapidly increased in recent years, bringing increasing public health challenges and generating a greater demand for complex, structured efforts from all stakeholders involved. Migration also has a number of positive societal effects, including economic, employment and development benefits.

To address the challenges, leverage the opportunities and maximize the benefits associated with migration, and to promote an adequate and proactive public health response, it is necessary to develop tools and enhance expertise in this area according to best available evidence.

To this end, the Knowledge Hub offers a platform to build upon available evidence for:

  • governments;
  • programme implementers;
  • academics and researchers;
  • international organizations;
  • nongovernmental organizations; and
  • civil society.

It creates an area for dialogue and critical thinking in this complex and interdisciplinary field through five priority areas:

  • strengthening the evidence available on migration and health;
  • webinar series;
  • summer schools;
  • policy dialogues; and
  • high-level summits.