Training and capacity building


WHO/Europe builds capacities in disaster preparedness and response, and develops and gives training courses.

In a crisis, health care managers must respond rapidly and effectively to maintain or restore access to health care for the affected population. This is possible only if extensive preparedness planning programmes are in place and key personnel are trained in advance.

WHO training and capacity building efforts aim to develop the professional skills or societal infrastructures within a community or organization that are needed to reduce the level of risk.

Assistance is given through

  • implementation of regional and subregional workshops and training on topics related to disaster preparedness and response based on best-practice examples developed by WHO.
  • supporting the development and implementation of national training, specifically designed to match a country's situation and needs. Training participants include key staff from the Member State's health sector who are either directly responsible for the issues discussed or are being trained to give the courses in the country.

Recently conducted workshops: