IHR core capacities

State Parties to the International Health Regulations are required every year to provide a self-evaluation of their core capacities for emergency preparedness and response. The State Party Self-Assessment Annual Reporting (SPAR) tool collects data using 24 indicators across 13 capacities. The process promotes the dynamic multi-sectoral process of monitoring, evaluation and planning within the country. Importantly, it also serves to demonstrate the responsibility and commitment to the implementation of the IHR by Member States towards saving 1 billion more people from health emergencies. In June 2018, a new SPAR tool was officially launched to support IHR States Parties fulfil their obligation under Article 54 and resolution A61.2 to report on the status of national core capacities to the World Health Assembly (WHA).

The 13 International Health Regulations core capacities:

  1. Legislation and financing
  2. IHR coordination and National IHR Focal Point functions
  3. Zoonotic events and the human–animal interface
  4. Food safety
  5. Laboratory
  6. Surveillance
  7. Human resources
  8. National Health Emergency Framework
  9. Health service provision
  10. Risk communication
  11. Points of entry
  12. Chemical events
  13. Radiation emergencies