Points of entry

Effective public health measures and response capacity at points of entry such as airports, ports and ground crossings are an integral part of health emergency preparedness and response systems. The IHR (2005) require States Parties to develop and maintain routine and emergency capacities at designat­ed points of entry, including the development of public health emergency response plans and operating procedures.

States Parties will:

  • a. develop and maintain routine and emergency capacities at designated points of entry and ensure regular evaluation;
  • b. establish, maintain and strengthen competent authorities to ensure routine and emergency capacities at points of entry; and
  • c. ensure compliance with maritime provisions in the IHR (2005).

The Regional Office, in collaboration with key partners, will:

  • a. support States Parties in strengthening and maintaining routine and emergency capacities at points of entry;
  • b. coordinate activities aimed at strengthening health provisions at points of entry through formal and informal platforms and networks, such as the Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation and the WHO Ports, Airports and Ground Crossings Network;
  • c. maintain and regularly update the list of international ports authorized to issue Ship Sanita­tion Certificates; and
  • d. maintain and regularly update a list of IHR (2005) designated points of entry in the WHO European Region.