10. How does WHO/Europe support countries as they achieve the SDGs?

The SDGs are guiding WHO/Europe’s work with its 53 Member States, 29 of whom host WHO country offices. SDG implementation is a responsibility of Member States. By providing tailored support to governments as they integrate the SDGs into their national development plans and policies, WHO/Europe helps to ensure that joined-up policy planning and implementation work across sectors, across age groups and across income groups, and are fully monitored so that progress can be measured.

We do not do this alone. Achieving the SDGs requires the partnership of governments, the private sector, civil society and citizens alike to make sure we create a better future for the next generation.

At subregional and national levels, WHO/Europe is facilitating the mainstreaming of the SDGs into the activities of countries, networks, initiatives and partners. It directly supports countries in promoting more collaborative work across government sectors; mainstreaming health in development policies, including a focus on equity in health policies; advocating for the efficient use of domestic and private financing for health and well-being; and highlighting the role of international public financing.

Member States’ monitoring and reporting are also supported through a number of initiatives, health information networks and evidence-informed policy networks. The SDGs have been fully incorporated into WHO/Europe’s country cooperation strategies and bilateral collaborative agreements.

In countries where the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) processes are in place, WHO/Europe is working together with United Nations resident coordinators, United Nations country teams and other United Nations agencies to provide coordinated support to governments.

At the regional level, WHO collaborates with other United Nations agencies and has agreed a common regional United Nations position and approach along with a platform for the exchange of information. WHO/Europe leads the Issue-Based Coalition on Health and Well-being (IBC-Health), established to facilitate and promote regional implementation of Goal 3 and the health-related targets. WHO/Europe is also a member of the Regional Working Group on Gender, which supports implementation of Goal 5 on gender equality. These coalitions report to the United Nations Regional Coordination Mechanism for Europe and Central Asia.