Workshop on implementation of a package of essential noncommunicable (PEN) disease interventions for primary health care in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 17–19 May 2016




A workshop held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan on 17–19 May 2016 provided an opportunity for the teams from the European PEN pioneer countries to meet together again after October 2015 meeting, and to be joined by other countries from eastern Europe and central Asia that have a similar interest in implementing essential NCD interventions in primary care.

The meeting was organized by the WHO Regional Office for Europe in the context of the Project on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD Project), financed through a voluntary contribution of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

It aimed to support member countries in the implementation of the WHO PEN protocols and to establish a platform for regular discussion of issues of common interest in their implementation. The workshop provided opportunities for sharing experience and learning about evidence-based strategies for clinical guideline implementation, quality systems, training and education, and monitoring and evaluation of impact. The programme benefited from the expertise of WHO Collaborating Centres and international experts, and was interactive.