Collaborating to raise awareness about diabetes in Bulgaria

To mark World Health Day 2016 and to raise awareness about the problem of diabetes in Bulgaria, the WHO Country Office planned and implemented activities in collaboration with the Bulgarian Diabetes Association.

The Country Office developed a press release on national diabetes data, which was shared with partners and the media. More than 30 posters were printed and distributed to the Ministry of Health, the National Center of Public Health and Analyses, relevant hospitals and medical centres, as well as to the media. The Head of the WHO Country Office, Dr Michail Okoliyski, also participated in a television interview for Bulgaria on Air.

The WHO Country Office supported and participated in the forum "Health for all" on 15–16 April on the subject "The debate on diabetes is very much needed". It also took part in a special event that featured a demonstration of youth playing football, as well as at the famous 5 km run at the South Park with the British runner and diabetes champion, Mr Gavin Griffiths. He included Sofia in his DiAthlete European Tour and will support the diabetes communities in Bulgaria.

The involvement of the WHO Country Office in these activities aimed to increase awareness of diabetes and its consequences, and to trigger specific, effective and affordable actions to prevent, diagnose and treat diabetes. All partners, particularly the Bulgarian Diabetes Association, appreciated the efforts of the Country Office.

About the Bulgarian Diabetes Association

This national not-for-profit organization is comprised of people living with diabetes, their family members, medical doctors and friends – all working for the cause of improving life and medical care for diabetes patients in the country.