Manual to develop and implement front‑of‑pack nutrition labelling: guidance for countries on the selection and testing of evidence‑informed front‑of‑pack nutrition labelling systems in the WHO European Region (2020)



Front-of-pack nutrition labelling (FOPL), and more specifically interpretative FOPL providing simplified nutritional information in the form of symbols, colours or words, is seen as a cost-effective measure to help consumers understand the nutritional quality of foods, and orient them towards healthier food choices at the point of purchase. WHO recommends the implementation of FOPL as one of the ‘best-buy’ measures to help prevent NCDs. FOPL aligns with the policy tools recommended in the WHO European Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2015–2020 to create healthier food environments.

Some countries in the WHO European region have implemented FOPL but this has taken different forms, with various degrees of interpretation of the nutritional composition of foods. Research provides evidence as to the effectiveness of the various schemes, as well as a theoretical framework for countries to use in order to develop or adapt a FOPL scheme that is evidence-based and suited to the national context.

In this context, this manual was developed to provide guidance to countries wishing to implement an effective FOPL scheme to support consumers to identify healthier food choices.