WHO discusses health priorities with the European Forum of Medical Associations

Members of the Liaison Committee of the European Forum of Medical Associations (EFMA) met with WHO/Europe staff for a full day to discuss future priorities for collaboration. These included antimicrobial resistance, immunization awareness and external communications. As a result, EFMA and WHO/Europe identified several joint projects on these areas that will be launched in the coming months.

Ms Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe, met with EFMA members and highlighted the importance of advocacy and active partnerships to raise awareness of health issues. Ms Jakab praised the cooperation between EFMA and WHO/Europe and reiterated the importance of bringing forward new projects.


EFMA was originally established in 1984 to enable WHO to have an open and continuous dialogue with European national medical associations. EFMA is an independent organization that aims to improve the quality of health care across Europe and formulate consensus on health policies.