Advanced Course on Health Information and Evidence for Policy-making

27 June–1 July 2017, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The production and dissemination of health information is a core WHO activity mandated by its Member States in its Constitution. WHO programmes compile and disseminate a broad range of information that plays a key role in health planning, advocacy for health issues, and monitoring and evaluation of health programmes. In exercising this mandate, WHO/Europe’s Division of Information, Evidence, Research and Innovation strengthens the capacity of the Members States in the WHO European Region by organizing and conducting various capacity-building events. This includes the Autumn School on Health Information and Evidence for Policy-making, its flagship course aimed at enhancing Member States’ capacity to collect, analyse, report and use evidence for policy-making.

The Advanced Course on Health Information is a regular follow up to the Autumn School, and provides more in-depth training on the subjects of the Autumn School. This year’s course will take place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The aim of the course is to further strengthen the capacity of technical specialists in the area of data quality assessment, and use of WHO standards and tools to collect, organize and analyse data and transform it into actionable health information. The workshop will build on the foundation laid in the Autumn School and cover theoretical and practical aspects of the following areas:

  • strengthening eHealth and eHealth strategy development;
  • interpretation and prioritization of differing data sources in the health information system;
  • measuring well-being and qualitative methods;
  • knowledge translation and research – developing issue briefs based on health information and research: bridging the know–do gap;
  • communicating health information effectively.

The learning methods of the workshop will include a mixture of lectures, exercises and group work. The exercises will be based as much as possible on national data, as well as challenges and questions brought in by the participants from their personal work environment.