Bulgaria: assessing health-system capacity to manage sudden, large influxes of migrants (2015)



2015, vii + 20 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5116 3

Health 2020, the European health policy framework, provides a comprehensive framework for action to respond to public health needs related to migration. The large numbers of migrants entering the WHO European Region from North Africa and the Middle East are posing new challenges to health systems in recipient countries, which must strengthen their capacity to respond appropriately to the needs of migrants, as well as the resident population. An efficient policy dialogue is needed between the main stakeholders involved in health and migration, who should share experiences and identify best practices. The WHO Regional Office for Europe provides technical assistance to countries in this area through the Public Health Aspects of Migration in Europe (PHAME) project. 

WHO staff conducted an assessment mission to Bulgaria in February 2015, to strengthen the country's capacity to address the public health implications of sudden large-scale influxes of migrants. The WHO toolkit for assessing health systems' capacity to manage large influxes of migrants in the acute phase was used during interviews and field visits. This report summarizes the results of the assessment.