Capital investment for health. Case studies from Europe (2009)



Edited by Bernd Rechel, Jonathan Erskine, Barrie Dowdeswell, Stephen Wright and Martin McKee
2009, xviii + 185 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 4178 2
CHF 40.00
In developing countries: CHF 28.00
Order no. 13400091

Capital investment in European health systems has to take account of the demographic and epidemiological transitions associated with an ageing population; advances in medical technologies and pharmaceuticals; rising public expectations; and persistent health inequalities.

This volume presents 11 case studies from across Europe of capital investment in health facilities, in the form of seven individual projects, two health systems, one corporate investor and one financing approach. They include hospitals or medical centres in the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland, and Spain, and regional planning and a financing initiative in the United Kingdom and Italy.

This book offers policy-makers, planners, architects, financiers and managers practical illustrations of how health services can be translated into capital assets and aims to expand the evidence base on how to improve the long-term sustainability of capital investment.