Expert group meeting to enhance Health 2020 monitoring and reporting: from theory to practice (2019)



2019, v + 23 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5423 2
This publication is only available online. 

The adoption of Health 2020, the European policy framework for health and well-being, has encouraged Member States to implement a values-based approach to measuring and reporting on health and wellbeing. The WHO Regional Office for Europe set up an expert group to investigate ways in which these complex, values-based concepts could be routinely reported on at a national level. The fourth expert group meeting was convened in December 2018 to review the action plan, comment on the group’s remaining outputs, recommend a strategy for operationalizing the monitoring and reporting of the concepts in the project portfolio, and consider the continued relevance of the project objectives beyond the scope of Health 2020. This report outlines the recommendations made by the expert group in relation to these objectives.