Expert group meeting to enhance Health 2020 monitoring and reporting: piecing together the health information puzzle (2017)



2017, 26 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5258 0
This publication is only available online.

The WHO Regional Office for Europe convened the first meeting of the expert group on enhancing Health 2020 monitoring and reporting on 1–2 September 2016. In adopting the Health 2020 policy framework, Member States in the WHO European Region incorporated well-being and other fundamental concepts into measurement and reporting activities. However, the practical application of these concepts is a complex and ongoing process.

The aims of this meeting were to provide advice for further enhancing Health 2020 reporting on well-being, to identify priority concepts within Health 2020 for which additional monitoring and reporting are required, and to articulate mixed-methods approaches to gathering health information. This report outlines the recommendations made by the expert group in relation to these objectives.