Flooding: managing health risks in the WHO European Region (2017)





2017, viii + 83 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5279 5
This publication is only available online.

Over the last 20 years, flood events have occurred in 49 countries in the WHO European Region. These have caused more than 2000 deaths, other health effects, property losses, damage to health facilities, displacement and enormous economic costs (estimated at €70 billion). A survey of countries in the Region highlighted the gaps in the prevention of health effects of floods and the availability of timely flood–health response strategies or established action plans. Further cross-sectoral coordination is crucial in preventing deaths, injuries, disease and other health consequences. A range of measures to protect population health care are proposed in this publication, organized around prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. Approaches to manage the health risks of floods should be based on the common policies, plans and measures for all types of hazards, before addressing the specific issues associated with floods.