Framework for alcohol policy in the WHO European Region






2006, vi + 26 pages
ISBN 92 890 1384 2
CHF 15.00
In developing countries: CHF 10.50
Order no. 13400061

The European Region is the WHO region with the highest alcohol intake in the world. Both per capita consumption and the disease burden from alcohol are twice the world average. Alcohol is the third-largest risk factor for death and disability in the Region and the largest risk factor among young people.

The framework for alcohol policy in the Region, given in this booklet, is a timely response to the situation. It launches a new phase of alcohol policy, initiated and led by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The framework aims to encourage and facilitate the development and implementation of global, regional, national and community policies and action to prevent or reduce the harm caused by alcohol. It creates an overarching frame for existing international instruments and documents, and addresses recent developments, new challenges and needs for further research.