Framework for control and prevention of soil-transmitted helminthiases in the WHO European Region 2016–2020 (2016)




2016, v + 25 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5216 0

Soil-transmitted helminthiases (STH) are among the most common human parasitic diseases. WHO estimates that over 2 billion people suffer from STH globally, including 4 million children in the WHO European Region. STH include ascariasis, trichuriasis, ancylostomiasis, necatoriasis, strongyloidiasis and toxocariasis.

In 2001, the Fifty-fourth World Health Assembly adopted resolution WHA54.19 with the goal to intensify efforts on control and elimination of soil-transmitted helminths. WHO’s global STH control plan for 2011–2020 aims to eliminate STH as a public health problem among school-aged children by 2020. In support for intensifying its implementation, WHO adopted a global strategy on water, sanitation and hygiene for accelerating and sustaining progress on neglected tropical diseases for 2015–2020. This document represents a regional framework for STH control and prevention. It provides an overview of the current STH situation, the scope and purpose of the work ahead, and strategic approaches to and measures against STH in the Region. It aims to assist countries in the development of national strategies and programmes based on their epidemiological, socioeconomic and environmental contexts.