Health systems respond to noncommunicable diseases: time for ambition. Summary (2019)




2019, iv + 42 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5440 9
This publication is only available online.

This publication provides a summary of the WHO report “Health systems respond to noncommunicable diseases: time for ambition”. It highlights pragmatic and actionable policy responses in nine key areas of a comprehensive and aligned health system response to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs): governance, public health, primary care, specialist care, people-centredness, health workforce, financing, medicines, and information solutions. The summary also includes highlights of illustrative country stories from the companion publication “Health systems respond to noncommunicable diseases. Compendium of good practices”. The summary is oriented towards policy solutions that aim at strengthening the health system response to improve NCD outcomes. The target audience of this summary is national and subnational policy-makers and implementers in the WHO European Region.