Mental health and well-being at the workplace – protection and inclusion in challenging times (2010)



2010, iv + 52 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 0205 9

Mental health problems have become one of the leading causes of work absenteeism and early retirement all over the European Region. The current economic recession and its effects on the job market are likely to add to the problems in employment and quality of life experienced by people with mental health problems and their families.

This publication reflects the presentations given at a WHO meeting on mental health and well-being at the workplace in 2009. It suggests ways to respond to the challenges that modern working life presents to mental health and well-being and to overcome barriers to employment for people with mental health problems. It also discusses opportunities for integration and empowerment given the global economic downturn from the viewpoint of service-user and family-caregiver associations, enterprises, trade unions, politicians and researchers. It is essential reading for employers and policy-makers in the European Region and beyond.