Palliative care for older people: better practices



Edited by Sue Hall, Hristina Petkova, Agis D. Tsouros, Massimo Costantini and Irene J. Higginson
2011, viii + 59 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 0224 0
CHF 25.00
In developing countries: CHF 17.50
Order no. 13400107

Populations around the world are ageing and more people are living with the effects of serious chronic illness towards the end of life. This publication provides examples of better palliative care practices, from or relevant to the WHO European Region, that range from a whole health system perspective down to individual examples of better education or support in the community and elsewhere. While some examples remain to be fully evaluated, they will nevertheless help policy-makers, decision-makers, planners and multidisciplinary professionals to plan and support the most appropriate and effective services for the care and quality of life of older people.