Small-scale water supplies in the pan-European region. Background. Challenges. Improvements




2011, v + 48 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 0226 4
CHF 20.00
In developing countries: CHF 14.00
Order no. 13400109

The provision of safe, acceptable and sufficient drinking-water is a crucial prerequisite for human well-being. Small-scale water supplies are the backbone of water supply in rural areas in the entire pan-European region. Yet experience shows that they find such provision a challenge, for administrative, managerial, operational and resourcing reasons.

This publication is intended to help decision-makers, such as policy-makers or regulators in the drinking-water sector, to appreciate better and address the particularities and characteristics of small-scale water supplies. It provides a range of background information, case studies and lessons learned, and ideas for addressing the issues in national programmes. Information for further reading as well as international networking activities is also provided.