Strategic mapping of institutional frameworks and their approach to equity (2019)



2019, viii + 29 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5428 7
This publication is only available online. 

International organizations within the health sector, as well as in other policy areas that are of relevance to the distribution of health inequities in society, pursue different approaches towards equity and equality. For example, equity may be expressed with regards to access to services, resources and opportunities; to levels of exposure and vulnerability to risk; or as a social value in itself and a root factor contributing to other societal benefits.

This report analyses a series of selected policy frameworks that guide the work of key institutions from within and outside of the health sector, including United Nations agencies, international and regional organizations, and national governments. The analysis elucidates the position of these stakeholders with regards to equity objectives, as expressed in their institutional frameworks. In doing so, the report aims to provide an insight into the institutional policy context of health equity in the WHO European Region, highlighting factors that may potentially enable, support or hinder the establishment of collaborations among selected institutional partners for the implementation of the Health Equity Status Report initiative of the WHO Regional Office for Europe.