Strategic mapping of public perceptions of health equity (2019)



2019, viii + 32 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5429 4
This publication is only available online.

Public perceptions of equity in health policy, as well as other policy areas that are of relevance to the distribution of health inequities in society, vary across the 53 countries of the WHO European Region. Health is considered a high political and policy priority in numerous countries and areas; in addition, many respondents consider that income inequalities in their countries/areas are too great. Nonetheless, widespread dissatisfaction with regards to the high levels of perceived corruption and unemployment, or with the management of economic and migration policies, may undermine efforts to pursue health equity policies in countries and areas. This report scans and analyses a series of public opinion surveys conducted across the Region to explore perceptions on health equity-related issues and identify factors that may potentially enable, support or hinder the scale-up and implementation of the Health Equity Status Report initiative of the WHO Regional Office for Europe. Acknowledging the political significance of public opinion data in democratic contexts, the results from this rapid analysis are proposed to be used as an advocacy tool to encourage political action for health equity across policy areas.