Structured operational research training of the European Tuberculosis Research Initiative (2019)



2019, iv + 25 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5426 3
This publication is only available online.

The European Tuberculosis Research Initiative (ERI-TB) was launched by the WHO Regional Office for Europe in 2016 to advance TB research in the WHO European Region. It is a platform intended to enhance the capacity for implementing operational research, which is considered to be an important source for evidence-informed TB programme management and relevant policy decision-making. The ERI-TB Structured Operational Research Training (SORT-TB) course was developed with the aim of helping WHO’s counterparts in the fight against TB in eastern Europe and central Asia to establish institutional practices for evidence-informed management and to improve the performance of TB programmes. The course is intended to build capacity and provide support for countries undertaking or planning to undertake operational research, in line with one of ERI-TB’s main objectives. The SORT-TB course supports research projects identified as priorities by ministries of health and links them with eminent TB researchers from the Region.