The organization and delivery of vaccination services in the European Union (2018)



Prepared for the European Commission
Edited by: Bernd Rechel, Erica Richardson, Martin McKee

2018, xv + 183 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5173 6

In recent years, the European Union has been facing serious outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, with an increasing number of cases and deaths. This study, undertaken at the request of the European Commission, collates information on the organization and delivery of vaccination services in the EU, with a focus on childhood vaccinations against measles and adult vaccinations against influenza. It provides a systematic review of health system related factors, a comparative analysis of country experiences and a suite of fiches that describe the organization and delivery of vaccination programmes in EU Member States.

The report finds that there are substantial differences in the governance, provision and financing of vaccination services across EU member states. This includes differences in the types of health care providers involved, with, for example, an increasing role for pharmacies in providing adult vaccinations against influenza. The report also notes that childhood vaccination against measles is mandatory in nine EU member states but free at the point of delivery in all EU member states, whilst adult vaccination against influenza is voluntary in almost all EU member states, but in seven countries adults targeted by influenza vaccinations have to pay at least part of the costs of vaccination.

The report calls attention to the fact that, despite some challenges in the governance, provision and financing of vaccination services, vaccine hesitancy and lack of awareness are the greatest barriers to improving vaccination coverage.