Dr Gundo Aurel Weiler


Director, Division of Country Support, Emergency Preparedness and Response (CSE)


Dr Gundo Weiler has more than 20 years of experience with WHO, supporting countries in Europe, Africa and Asia to develop integrated approaches to health, development and emergencies. Previously, Dr Weiler served as Director for Data, Strategy and Innovation at the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, WHO Representative to the Philippines, Coordinator of the Global HIV Programme and the Global Hepatitis Programme at WHO headquarters, and Communicable Disease Coordinator in Ukraine, among other positions. Prior to joining WHO, he engaged in clinical, research, nongovernmental and development work in Australia, France, Germany and the Philippines. He has led organizational change processes in WHO offices at country, regional and global levels, aiming to render WHO more effective in helping countries to build strong, future-proof health systems based on evidence, innovation, strategic information and systems transformation.

Dr Weiler holds a degree in medicine from Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany), a doctoral degree in social medicine from the Free University of Berlin (Germany) and a degree in health systems management from the University of London (United Kingdom). He is married with 3 children.