Dr Nino Berdzuli


Director of the Division of Country Health Programmes


Dr Nino Berdzuli is a medical doctor and public health professional with over 16 years of experience working in health sector reform, including health policy strategy development, health network reorganization, health-care quality management, and institutional and human resource capacity-building. She has clinical and technical expertise in reproductive, maternal and child health.

Dr Berdzuli joined WHO/Europe in 2018 to lead the sexual and reproductive health programme. In 2020, she was appointed Director of the Division of Country Health Programmes (CHP).

Before joining WHO/Europe, Dr Berdzuli was Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs in Georgia. In this role, she was responsible for the development, roll-out and strengthening of the universal health coverage programme, as well as health system transformation efforts and health sector strategic planning and management.

For over 10 years, Dr Berdzuli led implementation and provided strategic technical advice to the United States of America’s global public health programmes in eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and South-East Asia.