Membership of the Eighteenth Standing Committee of the Regional Committee

The Standing Committee of the Regional Committee (SCRC) consists of representatives of 12 Member States elected by the WHO Regional Committee for Europe,  taking account of the need for equitable geographical distribution, adequate representation of the interests of the Region, the opportunity for all Member States in the Region to participate over time in the work of the SCRC and other considerations relevant to maximizing the effectiveness of the SCRC's work. The Deputy Executive President of the Regional Committee is ex officio Chairperson.


Representatives of WHO European Member States Term of office
Andorra* 2008–2011
Azerbaijan 2009–2012
Bulgaria 2010–2014
Croatia 2010–2013
Lithuania 2008–2011
Montenegro 2008–2011
Poland 2010–2013
Spain 2010–2012
Sweden 2009–2012
Turkey 2010–2013
Ukraine 2009–2012
United Kingdom 2010–2013

*Seat declared vacant for 2010–2011 due to the election of the representative of Andorra as Deputy Executive President of the Regional Committee (Rules 14.2.6 and 14.2.8).


SCRC Chairperson: Dr Josep M. Casals Alís, Andorra, Deputy Executive President of the sixtieth session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe