The Pan-European Leadership Academy

A key initiative of WHO/Europe, the Pan-European Leadership Academy (ELA) is a 3-tier programme focusing on capacity-building for country impact. The ELA aims to support Member States in achieving the goals and objectives of the 13th General Programme of Work (GPW 13) and the European Programme of Work (EPW).

Roll-out of the tiers will take a staged approach, launching on 5 June 2021 with a call for interest to participate in a demonstration project offering 12 placements at the Tier 1 level. This stage will target young professionals in central Asian and Western Balkan countries, and the Russian Federation.

The objective for Tier 1 is to offer young public health professionals a valuable hands-on learning experience with an emphasis on building participatory leadership capacities and gaining knowledge in international collaboration.

Participants will be enrolled in a structured study programme with exposure to WHO’s technical work and its ways of working at the country, subregional and regional levels. They will be placed in technical units and other relevant settings within WHO/Europe (the Regional Office in Copenhagen, Denmark, geographically dispersed offices and country offices).

When fully operationalized, the ELA will also have 2 further tiers to accommodate mid- and high-level exchanges.